What to Do When You Feel Weak

Prosenjit Nath
3 min readSep 3, 2022

Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of humans are affected by a drained way of life — the challenges they’re facing, their workloads, the anxiety regarding the ball around them, and more. Someday, I’ll write a more comprehensive guide after reaching myself after a period of renewed resilience… But because of today, I’d like to part or action, so I do not sense an awful lot of capacity in conformity to functionate anything.

First, I notice I do not hold such a ticket today. I want to break my life and then find tonnes of crap, but nowadays isn’t the day. I’m drained or depleted. “What slave do I need to operate according to to receive seriousness on myself?” I ask. That may include a nap, taking time off, doing a lighter workload, skipping my exercise because of today, meditating, being active because of a walk, taking a bath, ingesting an insincerity regarding tea, speaking by a friend, hearing according to music, observing some vain television, eating darkish baby chocolate, giving myself love. As is customary, I am granted time off. That means, instead of feeling deteriorative about it, I take a course in imitation of myself yet come back in the representation of the place I’d like to be.

I relish the relaxation time. Create the space, then treat it as delicious. Bask in the spaciousness of love.

Then I ask, “Is this something I’d do in imitation of working with my limited capacity?”If I’m drained, I may bear it to work a little. If I need to get some exercise, I go for a short walk or a leisurely swim. Maybe I do function as a baby, proviso I hold action as a desire to do.

I can function for a short time, then work carefully and quickly. I don’t have to conform to push myself. I can breathe, then convey a sense of relaxation and amenities according to the whole thing I do. Let’s walk about my expectations of myself, let’s pace concerning anything I suppose I need to lie down, and let’s pass walk regarding any pressure. And valuable things regarding Easy Mode.

Finally, I ask: “What operation do I need to slave in conformity to be brought to where I’d like to be?” Depending on your lifestyle situation, that can also be a day, a week, a month, or more. It typically takes an age or two, but I comprehend humans going through significant fitness challenges. Then how much it’ll bust them is entirely unknown, barring so much we’re aware they’re within the lengthy haul.

However long it takes, the question would remain worth asking — as I need to work to be brought into conformity with the place I’d like to be.

Maybe I should start sleeping, exercising, or eating whole foods. Maybe meditate, suffice, take thoughtful walks, journal, get therapy and a coach, be a part of a cure program, yet pace by a doctor. Then I bust a minor bottom in that direction. I can not reach such a low energy level, but I can start.

Whatever my capacity conforms with receiving a step among so the order is perfect — I do not want to have the significant ability to work with motion in the direction of self-care, self-love, and nourishment. I utilize some potential that is accessible to me. Sometimes we don’t hold much. This might keep the Faithful region in conformity with what it is today. That doesn’t sound ignoble us. We are going to keep it so tomorrow. But within this area of drained energy, will we nonetheless discover beauty?



Prosenjit Nath
Prosenjit Nath

Written by Prosenjit Nath

Prosenjit is an IT engineer who is also passionate about writing. His focus areas include personal development, productivity, politics, and spirituality.